Aproveito para apresentar aqui o Meu Novo Blog.
Chama-se "Gráficos - Agulha Mágica", tive a ideia de o criar a pensar em colocar todos os gráficos que eu tenho disponíveis com os trabalhos realizados neste Blog "Agulha Mágica", mas como também tenho outros de trabalhos que eu gostaria de fazer, e enquanto faço ou não faço, achei por bem coloca-los à disposição das minhas seguidoras e amigas, por isso aproveitem... caso gostem claro...
Ao longo do tempo penso colocar trabalhos variados com os respetivos esquemas/gráficos.
Vão poder encontrar trabalhos em croché, ponto cruz, bainhas abertas, arraiolos, e muito mais, digamos que de tudo um pouco.
Today I will presente here My New Blog.
"Graphics - Magic Needle" is called, had the idea to create the thinking of putting all the graphics that I have available to work in this Blog "Magic Needle", but as I also have other work that I like to do , and while I do or do not do, I thought I should put them at the disposal of my followers and friends, so enjoy ... if you like, of course ... ...
Throughout the time I put varied works with the respective schemes /graphics.
Will be able to find work in crochet, cross stitch, open sheaths, arraiolos, and more, let's say a bit of everything.
"Graphics - Magic Needle" is called, had the idea to create the thinking of putting all the graphics that I have available to work in this Blog "Magic Needle", but as I also have other work that I like to do , and while I do or do not do, I thought I should put them at the disposal of my followers and friends, so enjoy ... if you like, of course ... ...
Throughout the time I put varied works with the respective schemes /graphics.
Will be able to find work in crochet, cross stitch, open sheaths, arraiolos, and more, let's say a bit of everything.