Tinha uma toalha de croché, que se foi gastando com o uso, e ficou rota, resolvi restaurar.
I had a crochet towel, which was spent with the use, and it was broken, I decided to restore it.
Já tinha visto na Net pessoas a restaurar mas nunca tinha feito, tinha até receio de fazer.
I had already seen people on the Net restore it, but I had never done it, I was even afraid to do it.
Comecei por desmanchar o espaço onde estava gasto, ficou assim este buraco.
I started by dismantling the space where it was spent, this hole was like this.
Depois com linha nova fiz novamente o desenho correspondente, ficou com este aspeto estranho.
Then with a new line I did the corresponding drawing again, it got this strange aspect.
Mas depois de lavada e passada a ferro o resultado foi este, pouco se nota e está pronta a utilizar novamente, valeu a pena.
But after washing and ironing the result was this, little is noticed and is ready to use again, it was worth it.